Thursday, October 31, 2019

Personal Construct of Leading Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Personal Construct of Leading - Essay Example This includes: the wisdom to develop an organizational vision, good communication skills, knowing one’s skills and employing it, ability to empower and motivate his/her subordinates, able to establish trust by being reliable and constantly competitive, creativeness and resourcefulness. The challenge of having outstanding leadership skills in managers continuously increases as a result of the tight competition in domestic and international markets. A good managerial leadership is important since it could lead to the success and profitability of the company. In most cases, effective leadership skills could enhance the business operations. In line with having an efficient operational system, a company could reduce its unnecessary operational costs due to mismanagement and other operational errors due to miscommunication and lack of a structured operational system. The savings that could be derived from establishing good leadership skills could result to the increases in the revenue generation of a company. Leadership in management also has a role in retaining the best talents within the business organization. Failure to have a good leadership within the business organization could result to a lot of dissatisfied employees. Losing these talents could be very costly because of the costs of training and developing new employees to adapt with the mission and vision of the company. Over the years, a lot of philosophers have come to develop a lot of leadership theories in order to enable these organizations to have the knowledge of the different types of leadership strategy. Some of these organizations would even go through a trial-and-error so as to determine which among the existing leadership theories is the best and effective strategy. Trail-and-errors in determining the most effective leadership strategy should be avoided. Businesses organizations today are already facing a lot of internal and

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Transurban Group Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Transurban Group - Essay Example The name of the company is Transurban Group and its ASX code is TCL.The main office is located at 505 Little Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.The reporting period of the company starts from 1st July and ends on 30th June of subsequent year The article â€Å"Transurban rejects Canadian takeover bids† appeared on May 12, 2010 and outlines the refusal of the group to accept two takeover bids on different grounds. (The Sunday Morning Herlad, 2010). The new article discusses about the two new takeover bids by the two pension funds from Canada and one from Australia and why Transurban Group has actually refused to accept the bids based on the value offered owing to its past performance and future prospects. Article however, mentions that the firm is willing to work with these firms in terms of due diligence and may also consider the options if the right price is offered. The article has also mentions the capital raising efforts of the firm to expand the business and ho w same may have an impact on the overall price offered by the acquiring firms. This article is interesting in the sense that it provides a concise picture of the details about the potential deals in which Transurban Group may be involved in near future. 4) The stock price on 5th April 2011 was $5.340 per share whereas the price on 8th April 2011 was $5.350 per share. The net change in the share price was $0.10 per share during the period. 5) The net profit as on 30th June 2010 was $59.605 M whereas the same was ($16.134m) during 2009. (Transurban, 2010, 51). Considering the above figures, it is evident that the firm was incurring losses during 2009 and it recorded an overall net profit of more than $59M during 2010. Net profit margin in 2010 therefore is 7.93% showing impressive performance considering the fact that the firm has incurred losses during 2009. It is also important to understand that the improvement in the profitability of the firm has become possible owing to the cost control. Firm has been able to reduce its key costs such as business development costs and corporate costs in order to improve the profitability of the firm. It could therefore be concluded that the firm has been able to achieve increase in profitability with better management of its costs and expenses. 6) The largest liability of the firm is borrowings which is to tune of $4.005 B and it is non-current liability. Note 16 of the notes to accounts indicates that these liabilities include infrastructure facilities, term loans, capital markets debt, US Private placement as well as the syndicated facilities. The infrastructure loans have been taken for the purpose of building and expanding the existing infrastructure base whereas other facilities have been taken for various purposes over the period of time. Borrowings also included working capital facilities having expiry of more than one year therefore they are reported in the non-current liabilities.(Transurban, 2010, 52) 7) There are four different streams of revenue reported in the annual accounts of the firm and each stream of revenue is recognized in the books based on different criteria. The revenue generated from the toll and fee is recognized when the actual charge is made by the user whereas other road revenues include advertising, rental and other associated revenue which is recognized as per the normal criteria. Construction revenue is recorded by the firm when the intangible asset is its construction phase whereas the development assets are recognized in sales when they are sold to third parties. Business development revenue is based on the provision of business support services and revenue is recognized accordingly. (Transurban, 2010, 74) 8) PriceWaterhouseCoopers is the auditor of the firm and based on the Independence of External Auditors Policy of the firm, the external auditors are not involved in any other activity on behalf of the firm. During the year, auditors have been paid to the

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Flexibility-security Nexus: the Concept of Flexicurity

Flexibility-security Nexus: the Concept of Flexicurity Meenakshi Shree Gautam Introduction Workers, companies, sectors of industry, national governments have usually been found facing a twofold expectation. On one side, there is a strong demand to bring more flexibility to labor markets, employment and work organization, while at same time an equally strong demand for providing security to employees, especially the vulnerable groups. Flexicurity suggests that the flexibility and security can co-exist at the same time. But increasing flexibility in the labor market can be seen with decreasing security in the labor market, because it might reflect a relaxation in the regulation of hiring and firing and in flexible forms of employment. The concept of flexicurity has been addressed at a various EU summits. In the mission of the European Union, enhancing of both flexibility and security has been considered with an aim to ensure sustainable economic growth with greater jobs and increased social cohesion. In India, when examined under the purview of the flexicurity, schemes like the MNREGA, and Unemployment Insurance Scheme on the planned extension of social security turn out to be the elements of an emerging domestically developing form of flexicurity. The analysis of the Indian labor markets in the context of flexicurity have been found to exist in the organized sector, but that too requires a clear-cut analysis of real rigidities and of security issues. Peter Auer, in his short paper on â€Å"Security in labor markets: Combining flexibility with security for decent work†, has discussed the concept and analyzed the topic of flexicurity, its importance, employment stability, country differences and convergence/ divergence in the European Union and the issues of what looms beyond flexicurity. Flexicurity: The concept and the shift from job to employment security Flexicurity is not merely a certain ‘species’ of the labor market policy/strategy but it also concerns a certain state or condition of the labor market. In the case concerning the flexicurity as a condition of the labor market, flexicurity has to be defined both as a typical form of security and as a typical form of flexibility. Flexicurity refers to the job, employment, income and ‘combination’ security that encourages and allows for enduring and high quality labor market participation and social inclusion, and at the same time provides a degree of numerical, functional and wage flexibility that allows for timely and adequate adjustment of labor markets and companies to changing conditions to ensure and enhance competitiveness and productivity. In the former generation of labor economists and the industrial relations school (for example the internal labor market â€Å"school† – Doeringer et Piore, 1971) job and employment security, were considered as related to one another in the following manner: job security was taken to be analogous to the task security. The job classification, under this system, proved to be inflexible in regards to new needs of polyvalence and multi-skilling with new types of goods and service production. And therefore, the job security rule was often replaced by employment security that guaranteed employment with the firm, but not on any particular job. This shift in the concept was seen with a shift from qualification to competence, more polyvalence and new forms of work organization creating space for more internal flexibility than before. There seems to be a trade-off between job and employment security comprising of employment and job changes. The shift from job to employment security was a shift from an internally rigid system towards a more internally flexible system that maintained employment security and long-term jobs with one company. The transition from job to employment security has been described as: Internal and external adjustments Internal adjustments are important for flexicurity because they can compensate for the missing external forms of adjustment. To illustrate this point, author has quoted the example of Germany where internal forms of adjustment are preferred to external ones. The author mentioned about the research conducted by an institute which confirmed the author’s proposition that internal adjustments are indeed used to compensate for the external forms of adjustments. Wage flexibility, important for providing cost flexibility, has been excluded from the concept of flexicurity. Internal flexibility is used both as an emergency measure at the time when job cuts come into view and as a preventive approach for eliciting more efficiency and upholding the occupation affiliation. An important question raised in the paper is whether one can balance the flexibility needs of individuals arising out of their choices and the needs of the employers. Both tend to be determining the steadiness of flexibility and security. It has been seen that in flexicurity countries, both the above mentioned aspects of the flexibility are complementary, while in the rest of the countries, there seems to be a trade-off between the two. The author has also highlighted, based on the empirical evidence that the flexible countries with moderate employment protection but bounteous protection by labor market policies do better in terms of decent jobs. This observation suggests that a certain degree of mobility, when â€Å"protected† is desirable for worker’s security and delivers better results than either â€Å"unprotected† mobility or too much employment stability. Therefore, labor market reforms that account for the need of stability, flexibility and security result in optimal outcomes. Neglecting any one of these elements, along with the social dialogue, tends to produce suboptimal results either for productivity, employment performance or workers’ security. Conclusion The author concludes by suggesting that one cannot imagine an absence of stable jobs and a total shift of security towards public unemployment and employment schemes. The author also highlights the fact that more research is needed to establish a strong link between objective and subjective data as for now, one can only conclude that maximizing of employment protection needs more than tenure in order to match objective and subjective employment security. Following common elements have been outlined by the author to achieve â€Å"in-employment flexicurity† combined with â€Å"out-of-employment flexicurity†: Employment protection through innovative employment contracts High degree of social protection by active Labor Market Policies Access to social rights since they link possibilities for temporary exit from the labor market (flexibility) with return options (security).) Complementarity between the individual and employer oriented flexibility High degree of internal flexibility in high performance work systems Effective social dialogue Developing, sustaining and improving such a system has to be complemented by a functioning social dialogue which would allow the industry and the government to bargain over possible trade-offs, accountabilities and expenses of the system. References Auer, P. (2012). â€Å"Security in labor markets: combining flexibility with security for decent work†, Economic and labor market analysis papers, ILO (International Labor Office), Geneva. Auer, P., Jha Praveen (2009). â€Å"labor market reforms in India: Barking up the wrong tree?†, The Indian Journal of Labor economics, Vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 71-81. Lerche, J. (2012). â€Å"Labor Regulations and Labor Standards in India: Decent Work?†, Global Labor Journal, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 16-27.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Case Study on Alcoholism Essay -- substance abuse case study

Introduction: The ingestion of alcoholic beverages for their enjoyable effects is a custom which has been around for thousands of years, and alcohol continues to be a popular drug because of its short-term effects (Coleman, Butcher & Carson, 1984). An enormous amount of damage can be attributed directly to alcohol abuse as a result of lost jobs, accidents caused by drunk drivers, and so forth (Maltzman, 2000). Alcohol also compounds other problems--an estimated 25% to 40% of hospital patients have problems caused by, or recovery delayed by alcohol abuse (Maltzman, 2000). Clinical psychologists spend about one-fourth of their time dealing with people who are suffering in part from alcohol or other substance problems (Vaillant, 1995). Although alcohol problems have been around for so long, it is only recently that these problems have begun to be associated with medical or psychological difficulties. The first to advocate alcoholism as a disease was Benjamin Rush (1785-1843), and he even proposed that hospitals should be established to aid in the treatment of this disease (Cox, 1987). Since Rush, there have been many more definitions of alcoholism including the Statistical Abstracts (1979) account that an alcoholic is defined as ?one who is unable consistently to choose whether he shall drink or not, and if he drinks, is unable consistently to choose whether he shall stop or not. ?Alcoholics with complications? are those who have developed bodily or mental disorders through prolonged excessive drinking? (O?Brien & Chafetz, 1982, p.26). Further, Mark Keller of Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcoholism in March of 1960 stated that alcoholism is a ?chronic disease manifested by repeat implicative drinking so as to ca... ..., Publishers. May, R. (1977). The Meaning of Anxiety. New York, NY: Washington Square Press. Menninger, W.W. (1994). Psychotherapy and integrated treatment of social phobia and comorbid conditions. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 58, A84-A90. Miner, C.M., & Davidson, J.R.T. (1995). Biological characterization of social phobia. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 244, 304-308. Potts, N.L., & Book, S., & Davidson, J.R.T. (1996). The neurobiology of social phobia. International Clinical Psychopharmacology, 11, 43-48. Uhde, T.W. (1994). Anxiety and growth disturbances: Is there a connection? A review of biological studies in social phobia. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 55, 17-27. Wittchen, H. (2000). The many faces of social anxiety disorder. International Clinical Psychopharmacology, 15, S7-S12.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Communications in Society Essay

MGMT 351 Exam 1 Directions: Respond to five of the following questions. Responding to more than five will not earn extra credit. If you decide not to follow this direction, the five lowest scoring answers will constitute the grade for this test. There are some important considerations for successful completion of the text: 1. Accurate information is important, and it must directly address the question. 2. Use all terms appropriately. 3. Several questions have more than one part. Complete and accurate answers will earn maximum credit. Make sure that all of the requested information is provided. 4. Each complete and accurate answer is worth 20% of the grade for this exam. 5. Assignments are automatically sent through Turnitin to check for appropriate use of material (e.g. paraphrasing, citations). Make sure that your work follows all the guidelines for academic honesty. 6. Use the numbers as here listed. Do not renumber. 7. Watch the deadline. Late exams will not receive credit. 8. Answers must reflect college level writing skills, i.e. clear sentence construction and correct spelling, grammar and use of punctuation. Deductions from the test score will be made for failure to meet this standard. 9. If anything is unclear, ask rather than assume it doesn’t make a difference. To complete this exam, follow these steps: 1. Download this exam and save it as a MSWord document. 2. Read through all the questions and choose those you will attempt to answer. 3. Provide complete and accurate answers to those five questions. 4. Save. 5. Post your saved response to the exam under the Assignment by the deadline for this assignment. Questions: 1. Effective organizational communication is truly an interactive process. The people taking part in the communication exchange must listen carefully and respond accurately to the other interactants. There are ten elements that contribute to interactive communication (see Figure 1.2 on page 5 of your text). Using an example from your own experience, identify how these ten elements impacted the communication process, making sure to accurately label all ten. 2. Organizational philosophy has significant influence on management practice and communication in an organization. Briefly distinguish between classical, humanistic and systems theories. Now describe possible impact of each of these perspectives on the writing of job descriptions. Be specific. 3. Strategic communication relies on effective tactics in four areas. Name them and define them. Now consider this situation and apply what you know about these four areas to this situation: Next week, Clark will be giving a very important budget proposal presentation. This could be a boost to his career, or a bust. If he hopes to have his proposal accepted, he needs to be strategic in the plan and delivery for this presentation. How should he use the four areas of strategic communication to accomplish his goals? 4. What is communication anxiety, what role does it play in communication, and what are the causes? Choose five of these causes and offer suggestions for effectively managing anxiety resulting from each of these causes. 5. What is organizational culture and how does it determine standards for communication, both internally and externally? Next, as an advisor to someone considering joining an organization, direct your advisee to some avenues to explore to discover what is the culture of an organization in order to determine if this is the right organization for your advisee to join. Lastly, how important is cultural match? 6. The American culture is certainly not uniform. There are considerable differences in how members view the world (e.g. values, beliefs, opinions, etc.). Not using national origin/heritage (e.g. Italian-American), choose three subcultures present in the American workforce and explain how the values and beliefs of each subcultures impact how those employees behave at work. 7. Communication competence is based on interactive listening. Questioning techniques improve listening by making the speaker more efficient, and they facilitate goal accomplishment. Imagine that you are a manager who has been approached by a subordinate who manages others, i.e. you are the manager’s manager. One of the manager’s subordinates, who up until recently has been a good performer, has been making significant mistakes lately. Using all of the five types of questions, help the manager design his/her own set of questions to get to the issues behind this dwindling performance. Make sure to accurately label each type of question used. Lastly, explain how this strategy is likely to help the manager correctly identify the performance issues involved. 8. Name and define each of the three D’s. Then list two consequences and two strategies for overcoming each of these problems. 9. Put yourself in a work environment. List all, naming at least five, of the nonverbal messages you notice, making sure to accurately label each. Now summarize the impact of this combination of nonverbal messages on the people working there. Is it a positive impact? Lastly, if you could change any of these messages by instituting a new personnel policy, what would you do and what would the policy look like? 10. Does gender make a difference in how employees communicate in the workplace? Using specific examples, support your conclusion. Now think of a time when communication was effective during communication involving coworkers of the opposite sex. Lastly, describe a time when communication between members of both sexes was not effective. What could have been done differently? Be specific. 11. Leaders step up when needed. Will you recognize when you should rise to a leadership position? First, write down the names of leaders (at least 3) that you admire or seek to emulate. Explain what you find admirable in their leadership styles. Now, choose at least one, of these leaders and note a situation in which he or she acted as a leader. Be prepared to discuss what elements of the situation combined with elements of the leader’s ability to lead resulted in an effective combination. Do you have any of the same leadership characteristics in common with their chosen leader or any of the other leaders? How will you recognize the right combination of situation and style for you to be a leader? 12. Managing change is something good leaders expect and have developed the skills necessary to be successful. Imagine yourself as a leader of the following organization: You are the CEO of a playing card company that has existed since 1889. Your company began producing its first electronic playing cards game in 1970 and has been highly successful. Now in the electronic age, it is important to acknowledge the lack of hand-held playing cards and embrace the video game era. You want to eliminate all hand-held playing cards from the company plan but the employees who have been around for a while wish to keep the cards around. How can you manage this change and the anxiety that it produces in your employees? General answers are not enough to earn points on this question. Identify specific steps you will take to achieve desired outcomes.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Leadership/Drum Major Paper Essay

I think I would make a great drum major because I believe people take me as a leader and respect and listen to what have to I say. Though I usually am the leader I also am a good listener. When people have problems or have ideas to make the show better I will listen to whatever has to be said. To me being a drum major would be a great accomplishment and an awesome chance to help out our marching band. I have found from being in the marching band that each member wants respect. I intend to give respect first and in doing that I believe I will receive it from my piers allowing this whole experience to be a perfect one. I understand that with this job comes great responsibility, and I am definitely ready for it! Being a member of the Woodland High School marching band for two years, I now have an idea of how to make band more attractive to everyone. Making the time spent in band class and at after school practices most effective is a major prerogative of mine. I would like to make it our number one goal to get every band member to learn, and memorize their music. This will allow the show to be ready as early as possible so it gives ample time to perfect formations, add character to the show, and make it our own. By doing this I know our scores will be significantly higher than last years. Most importantly each member will understand that hard work does pays off. I love music. I never hesitate to sign up for any extracurricular band I can get into. I love being involved, I love growing as a musician. I also love marching band- it’s so challenging and so draining, but it’s such an amazing experience. I have a zealous enthusiasm for music and marching band that propels me forward, and can apply this to my role as drum major. Energetic leaders are much better than halfhearted ones. * My philosophy on leadership is simple: lead by example, always help, and never quit. When I was a freshman, I looked up to the marching band veterans because they were already excellent at something that I was struggling to master. Having role models is inspiring; it gives people something positive to emulate. Additionally, I always offer to help- whether that means * Moving and unloading equipment, or coming in early to work with a marcher who needs a little extra assistance. Furthermore, quitting is out of the question for me. Using excuses instead of giving your best, giving up on something (or someone), or abandoning your responsibilities are things I absolutely do not believe in. Promoting excellence in others starts with promoting it in you. * I am unique among the other applicants seeking this position because of the qualities I have listed above. My musical experience, my determination, my diligence, and my passion for music make me singular among the many.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


Gap 1. Floor plan: According to the layout of the floor plan for this section (Fresh) of Express. There are some different types of skirts and dresses are hanged on different locations. Merchandises in the wall are only have two types of tops (long and short sleeves cotton ribbed Tee) that are folded or hanged. Like the walls, merchandises on the floor are also displays by showing variation of merchandises with fixtures, T-stands, rectangular-stands, and four- way stands. There are only two types of ribbed tees are on the wall, and some dresses are hanged under the tees. In front of the section there are 4 mannequins display some of the dresses, and those merchandise are on the back. The rest of other dresses are hand on the both T-stands, 4-way-stands and rectangular stand. Hanged merchandises are size smallest to largest from right to the left or from front to back while folded merchandises are size smallest to largest from top to bottom.English: The Ferry Building in San Francisco alo ng...On the left-hand side of this store ¡Ã‚ ¦s section. It has 2 dressing rooms at first, mirror in the middle, another dress room by followed, an emergency exit on the back. On the right-hand side, there is other section of the store.In the Fresh section, merchandises in the walls are folded and hanged and shown in cotton rib tee with short sleeves of hot red, and white, long sleeves of dark blue and black. And some of the dresses are hanging under the tops, which are 3 style of 4 different color floral dress. It has soft fit a- and  ¡Vshare with wide straps. Button front whit/blue/orange/yellow /green. The merchandise on the floor are carried by 9 fixture, 6 T-stand, 2 for 4-way-stands and a rectangular-stand. ¡P T-stands and 4-ways are used to hold: ~ Striped twin set...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Underlying Meanings In “A Rose For Emily”

Underlying Meanings In â€Å"A Rose for Emily† Most stories, even books for younger audiences, have some sort of underlying meaning. All that this means is that generally there is more that just a story, rather the story is a tool used to get a different point across. Beneath the surface of William Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily," it tells a story of the Old South’s lingering presence in a more modern time. After being the only man in her life, by not allowing any man to have a relationship with her, Emily's father died and naturally she found it difficult to let go (love). Emily was raised during the pre-Civil War era and carries an out of date view of society like her father once did. Emily possessed a stubborn outlook towards life, and refused to change. In the story, Emily’s views are used to represent the Old South, as well as set up other situations in which change has not occurred. She represented the ideas and mores of a society that was crushed by both the war and its eventual defeat for example when Miss Emily is referred to as a â€Å"Fallen Monument†(p87) representing the falling of a part of the old southern culture (A Rose for Emily). This story, on the exterior appears to be little more than a horror story. However, it is clear that Faulkner intends to show much more than that. He wants us to see how Emily, the representative of the Old South, faired agai nst the beginning of the new society. Faulkner uses a unique structure to achieve his goal. As the book progressed there was not a steady progression of time, the conflicting order is just another way in which he is able to show conflict between the old and new south. The order of the story moves from present to past and back to present, the story shows the differences in people from past times and present times. For example Colonel Sartoris’ story that the town owed Miss Emily money from a loan her father had given. â€Å"Only a man of Colonel Sartoris’ gen... Free Essays on Underlying Meanings In â€Å"A Rose For Emily† Free Essays on Underlying Meanings In â€Å"A Rose For Emily† Underlying Meanings In â€Å"A Rose for Emily† Most stories, even books for younger audiences, have some sort of underlying meaning. All that this means is that generally there is more that just a story, rather the story is a tool used to get a different point across. Beneath the surface of William Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily," it tells a story of the Old South’s lingering presence in a more modern time. After being the only man in her life, by not allowing any man to have a relationship with her, Emily's father died and naturally she found it difficult to let go (love). Emily was raised during the pre-Civil War era and carries an out of date view of society like her father once did. Emily possessed a stubborn outlook towards life, and refused to change. In the story, Emily’s views are used to represent the Old South, as well as set up other situations in which change has not occurred. She represented the ideas and mores of a society that was crushed by both the war and its eventual defeat for example when Miss Emily is referred to as a â€Å"Fallen Monument†(p87) representing the falling of a part of the old southern culture (A Rose for Emily). This story, on the exterior appears to be little more than a horror story. However, it is clear that Faulkner intends to show much more than that. He wants us to see how Emily, the representative of the Old South, faired agai nst the beginning of the new society. Faulkner uses a unique structure to achieve his goal. As the book progressed there was not a steady progression of time, the conflicting order is just another way in which he is able to show conflict between the old and new south. The order of the story moves from present to past and back to present, the story shows the differences in people from past times and present times. For example Colonel Sartoris’ story that the town owed Miss Emily money from a loan her father had given. â€Å"Only a man of Colonel Sartoris’ gen...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

10 Top Companies Hiring Part-Time Workers Right Now

10 Top Companies Hiring Part-Time Workers Right Now Looking for a part-time job? Summer is coming, school is out, and you need a gig to earn money and fill your summer days. Here are 10 of the top companies hiring the most part-time workers to their books at the moment. 1. The Vitamin ShoppeThis company boasts happy employees, salaries above average, and progressive policies and benefits, and has a focus on customer service rather than sales numbers. The Vitamin Shoppe has nearly 2,000 part-time openings.2. ChipotleThis gig comes with a flexible schedule, a laid-back atmosphere, and decent food (organic meats!). With over 1,500 restaurants in 45 states, this â€Å"fast casual† spot has over 1,400 part-time openings at present.3. Bayada Home Health CareProviding one-on-one nursing and other health care in 25 states, this company has over 1,100 part-time openings and tons of satisfied employees.4. UPSDelivering 15 million packages per day and employing hundreds of thousands in the United States and globally, this company boasts o ver 1,000 part-time openings and a challenging, interesting work environment.5. Liberty Tax ServicesWith a whopping 5,114 part-time openings, this company helps low-income employees and small businesses with thousands of branches around the world. Also good job security and generally positive employee reviews.6. Macy’sWith over 3,000 part-time openings and branches all over the country, this retail giant also hires seasonal employees that can occasionally transition into full-time work.7. MarketSource JobsWith an HQ in Georgia and nearly 3,000 part-time openings to assist companies with marketing strategy, training, and sales, this kind of job would be great for you if you were suited to sales in general: i.e. you’re personable, upbeat, and have a can-do attitude.8. United Health GroupWork in health insurance, which can help you transition into jobs in accounting or business or economics. There are more than  1,200 part-time openings, and according to employees, ther e’s a great  work-life balance.9. Vector MarketingLove knives? Great at sales? This company is owned by Cutco, famous for great cutlery. They have more than 1,900 part-time openings. Deal closers apply!10. FirestoneThis company isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. It’s one of the oldest American tire/repair companies and has more than 1,600 locations nationwide. Employees report good camaraderie and higher-than-average compensation. More 1,000 part-time openings await!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Rural Idyll and Social Exclusion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Rural Idyll and Social Exclusion - Essay Example The images in the rural places provide the revelation of the kind of lifestyles by the people, cultures, the products and the entire environment of the rural places. The Link between Rural Idyll and Geographical Imagery The geographical imagery in the rural areas depict much about the rural people to include their productivity, economic activities, the climatic condition, weather and culture. The nature of the rural areas and the belief of being the related to poverty which consequently lead to the migration of the people t the cities intensifies social exclusion in the region. These define the bad image of the rural areas and the factor of de-motivation to involve the villagers, the poor people in the planning process of the country. The negative perception and the belief of incapability of the villages lead to social exclusion (Yarwood 12). The Concept of Rural Idyll and Social Exclusion Social exclusion involves the contemporary neglect of the rural people from the benefits and ex posing the people to disadvantages in the rural areas. This is as a result of the social class differences between the rural people and the city dwellers. The rural people are systematically blocked from rights, freedoms, opportunities and resources and these should present in order to enhance social integration between the people and the entire society. The geographical images in the rural; areas give them the classification of poor lifestyles by the urban dwellers. The exclusion of the rural people from the budgetary processes of the country will deny the society the opportunity to access the basic human wants in life (Philip and Mark 468). Rural Idyll and Low Income The negative point of view and belief leads to discrimination of the rural people. The urban elites, who are the planners and the directors of the major economic projects in the countries, look down upon the rural people with view of incapability and incompetence. The escalating rate of poverty is due to the relative low levels of affluence in the rural places, which ids contributed by the rural disadvantage posed by the development pilots in the regions. In the contemporary societies, the low levels of income in the rural areas are intensified with the need to own a car and meet the standards of the other people. This means that the rates of income are affected by the high living standards in the societies. The image of the rural areas put the villagers at the verge of poverty as their fate to access the full means of development are justified based on such measures (Carpenter, Belinda & Stuart 109). Poor or lack of services The neglect of the rural areas leads to discrimination that influences the supply of services to the people. Services to the people are determined majorly by the level of income that is usually low in these areas and therefore the services delivered are poor and of lower quality if not limited. The decline of services affects the poor and the elderly in the communities but in the rural areas it affects everybody. Poor services are directly linked with the poor access to channels and links to access these core servicers to the people. The lack of roads in the rural areas is linked with the focus to develop the urban areas neglecting the villages. The urban areas are given first priorities in everything to deal with the provision of development services and infrastructure (Yarwood 34). Rural Idyll Influences the Rate of

Friday, October 18, 2019

HALLIBURTON, organizational problems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

HALLIBURTON, organizational problems - Essay Example Success depended on its ability to deliver on what it charged and this had impressed the United States Military and its other clients. No one appeared to mind Halliburton overcharging if the work that it delivered could keep the troops happy when they were far from home. However, within the recent past allegations of unethical conduct, overcharging, kickbacks and political influence peddling have marred the image of this company which still wins awards for performance in its industry. This essay presents a discussion about the ethical and organizational problems that confront Halliburton Energy Services. Halliburton Energy Services is a multinational corporation with operations in 70 countries of the world (, 2005, â€Å"Halliburton Energy Services†). The group provides technical products and services for oil and gas production and exploration. Revenues of Halliburton Energy Services were in excess of US$ 15 billion in 2007 and it employs nearly 51,000 people worldwide (Halliburton, 2007, pp. 2 – 5). In 2007, its revenue grew by 18 % year-over-year and about 50 % of the total revenue was from outside North America. More than 100 nationalities work with Halliburton Energy Services Inc with most of the employees working in their home countries. This firm has an old history and it began operations in 1919 when Mr. and Mrs. Erle P. Halliburton started the firm and found work cementing oil wells in Burkburnett, Texas. The company was later to move to Ardmore, Oklahoma and then to Duncan, Oklahoma before becoming listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 1948. The major spheres of activities for Halliburton involve providing technical products and services for oil and gas exploration and production, handled by its Energy Services Group. However, Halliburton’s major subsidiary KBR, or Brown & Roots was a major construction company of refineries, oil fields, pipelines, and chemical plants (Briody,

Compare Chinese and American national cybersecurity policies (or more Term Paper

Compare Chinese and American national cybersecurity policies (or more countries)) - Term Paper Example The purpose of this study is to compare the effectiveness of the national cyber security policies that have been applied in China and America and to provide viable solutions to the weaknesses in these policies. By drawing from a wide range of theoretical and statistical resources, it will be possible to compare the performance of the cyber security policies in these countries. A critical analysis of the materials will provide an adequate ground to provide workable solutions to that will help the government to improve cyber security policies in their countries. Chinese versus American National Cyber Security Introduction Cyber security is a term that emerged immediately after the development of a data-centric world that is driven by the internet and online presence. As the global trends demand more engagement of the internet and all business operations become driven by this technology, the need for data security has risen due to the existence of hacking and identity theft as the man a t the middle gains access to sensitive information during its transmission. Even today, many organizations and citizens continue to be victims of victims of cybercrime sending an alarm to the government to implement online security to assure safety of sensitive business transactions. China and America are among the countries that have focused on the cyber security to guarantee safety of information in online business. The purpose of this paper is to make a comparison between the America cyber security policies with those that have been deployed in China. To draw this comparison, the policies applied in each country will be analyzed and their impact on data security will be evaluated. A secondary research will be conducted from a wide range of materials including government reports and validated research works to gather authentic information. The information so obtained will be related to the subject topic to form a basis of the conclusions. From the research, it will be possible to provide recommendations for alternative mechanisms that can be used to beef up cyber security and guarantee safety of information sent over the networks. This will provide a substantial platform for the improvement of data security policies not only in China and America, but also across other nations that have been hit with the blow of cybercrime in the business environment. Background of Cybercrime and Cyber-Security Cybercrime refers to the use of software, fish-mails or peculiar malware to obtain user information illegally during a data transmission process. With the current increase in online monetary transactions, the cyber criminals have vested more efforts to obtain information from citizens and business organization. For instance, when an online banker feeds their credentials into the online accounts, it is possible for hackers to obtain this information and use it to make illegal transactions. According to United States Department of Crime and Justice, (2013) about 5 millio n Americans are hacked every year and their identity information is used and at least $50 million dollars is lost to cyber-criminals. In China, Anderson reports that in China, over 700,000 web users fall victim of cybercrime every without their knowledge and over $874 million is lost to fraudsters. Despite the imperative efforts that have been engaged to tackle the problem, cybercrime continues to be a big problem in many countries. The 2013 cybercrime report presented by Sophos new


3D MODELING USING PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS - Essay Example First, I am grateful to the University for granting me the opportunity to pursue the Doctor of Philosophy Degree in this institution. Second, I wish to thank to my Supervisor for the guidance and committed support offered to see me through my doctorate studies. Third, I remain indebted to all the persons, corporate and individual for volunteering their time to provide the requisite information, which has been processed to form the substance of this Thesis. Finally, I acknowledge the support of my academic colleagues for their positive critique of my work, for advising me and keeping me company throughout the academic journey. To all those who supported me in one way or another but have not been mentioned individually, accept my gratitude. ABSTRACT The mathematical modeling of the real world images is mostly dominated by partial differential equations. The major challenge that has disturbed most players in this industry of geometric modeling and use of computer graphics is the manufac ture of representative human facial geometrical images. Such geometries are crucial for an extensive range of uses, such as in 3D face recognition. The same can be used in virtual realism presentations, facial appearance simulations and computer-based plastic surgery applications. The main objective of this paper was to address methods used for the construction of 3D geometry/modeling of human faces founded on the use of Partial Differential Equations (PDE) and to enable the compression of those 3D data for faster transmission over the internet. In this study, the corresponding geometry to a face is applied as a set of surface patches, with each patch represented using boundary curves in the 3-space thus, formulating the suitable boundary settings for the selected PDE. The boundary curves are removed automatically by the use of 3D information of human faces acquired by means of a 3D scanner. In this study, through the use of certain experimental confirmations it is shown that the ef fectiveness of the partial differential equations (PDE) based method for 3D facial surface reconstruction using scanned data effectively addresses the topic of this study. Additionally, I have also shown that the methodology makes available a well-organized way of representing facial images by the use of small sets of restrictions that could be exploited for effectual storage of the facial data and quick verification of the same. For further research, the study recommends the need for its replication in other universities or scaling up to the national or international levels. Chapter 3 Efficient 3D Data Compression through Parameterization of Free-Form Surface Patches This study seeks to present a new technique for 3D data compression centered on the parameterization of surface patches. The successful usage of the procedure requires that it be applied to data which can be easily defined as single-valued functions. Such a scenario is the case for 3D patches that are obtained by the u se of standard 3D scanners. Another significant feature with this technique is that, it defines the number of mesh cutting planes, while the connection or intersection of the planes on the mesh defines a set of sampling points. An explicit structure that allows for the parametrical definition of both x and

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Cost Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Cost Accounting - Essay Example The stainless steel is manufactured in five main processes. These processes are melting, hot rolling, annealing and pickling, cold rolling and finishing. All the processes are done in different departments. The process of steel manufacturing starts with melting in the melt shop. In this department the scrap is melted. The scrap acts as the raw material of the stainless steel. Once the scrap is melted in the melting the output is transferred to the hot rolling mill for further processing. In this rolling department the meted scrap is rolled two meter wide. Once the hot rolling department is done with its work then the output is transferred to the annealing and pickling department for further processing. In this department fine coil of thickness varying from 1.2 mm to 13 mm is produced. The mechanical properties of the stainless steel are regained in this process. Some of these coils are sold to the industries the remaining ones are transferred to the fourth process of cold rolling. He nce the cost is allocated after considering the products which is sold to the industries. In cold rolling and annealing department the thickness of the coil is again reduced to 0.3mm in order to meet up the customers’ needs. In this process the coil is rolled into a flat surface to give the stainless steel flatness. Once this is done the output from this department is transferred to the metal finishing department. In this department the flat stainless steel is cut into different shapes and sizes which will be ultimately sold to the market (ArcelorMittal-c, n.d). As the manufacturing is done in a series of processes therefore the costing of the outputs must be done as per the process costing. While manufacturing any product many costs are incurred. Some of these costs can be identified form the products and some cannot. The costs which can be traced form the product are directly

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Epic of Gilgamesh Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Epic of Gilgamesh - Essay Example Different phenomena of our world not only attracted their attention but needed explanations. Their views were at the stage of developing, the explanations were not definite and many things were still explained by the existence of different gods. It is clear from the legend that the main goal of these people was to kill somebody and to conquer some territory (Dalley 34). The role of a woman is also represented vaguely. The attitudes towards women in the legend are very different. We can see that the positive and respectful attitude is represented mostly towards goddesses. Ishtar is one of them, she was the goddess of richness, love, and battle. Ishtar is represented in a great number of myths and legends and in every myth she has a different mission. Ishtar is usually portrayed as a strong, egoistic and proud woman. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, she represented as an enemy of the main hero. She is very ambitious in the Epic of Gilgamesh and it is not possible to define if she is positive or negative heroin. The readers can be shocked by her cruelness when she decides to kill Gilgamesh after he rejects her. The main goal of this woman is to satisfy her ambitions. This testifies that the people of that time saw women as strong, cruel and ambitions creatures (Dalley 56). They gave these features to a goddess and that means that in their opinion such charact eristics should have belonged to ideal women. Ishtar is also very sensual; she can’t and is not going to overcome her feeling to Gilgamesh, she demands an immediate satisfaction of her passion: â€Å"Come, Gilgamesh, be my lover! Give me the taste of your body. Would that you were my husband, and I was your wife! Id order harnessed for you a chariot of lapis lazuli and gold, its wheels of gold and its horns of precious amber. You will drive storm demons--powerful mules! Enter our House, into the sweet scent of cedarwood† (Tablet 6, col. I).

Cost Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Cost Accounting - Essay Example The stainless steel is manufactured in five main processes. These processes are melting, hot rolling, annealing and pickling, cold rolling and finishing. All the processes are done in different departments. The process of steel manufacturing starts with melting in the melt shop. In this department the scrap is melted. The scrap acts as the raw material of the stainless steel. Once the scrap is melted in the melting the output is transferred to the hot rolling mill for further processing. In this rolling department the meted scrap is rolled two meter wide. Once the hot rolling department is done with its work then the output is transferred to the annealing and pickling department for further processing. In this department fine coil of thickness varying from 1.2 mm to 13 mm is produced. The mechanical properties of the stainless steel are regained in this process. Some of these coils are sold to the industries the remaining ones are transferred to the fourth process of cold rolling. He nce the cost is allocated after considering the products which is sold to the industries. In cold rolling and annealing department the thickness of the coil is again reduced to 0.3mm in order to meet up the customers’ needs. In this process the coil is rolled into a flat surface to give the stainless steel flatness. Once this is done the output from this department is transferred to the metal finishing department. In this department the flat stainless steel is cut into different shapes and sizes which will be ultimately sold to the market (ArcelorMittal-c, n.d). As the manufacturing is done in a series of processes therefore the costing of the outputs must be done as per the process costing. While manufacturing any product many costs are incurred. Some of these costs can be identified form the products and some cannot. The costs which can be traced form the product are directly

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Taliban Essay Example for Free

The Taliban Essay In the early 80s two different authors have differs originating background of the Taliban. One was as a group of people that arose to combat the cruel, unjust killings and raping vices that took place when a family was on a journey. The second author reported the intervention of Taliban group was in response to â€Å"Afghanistan Transit Trade† group of mafia, who illegally extort citizens on transit. The Taliban arose to disrupt these bandits across all roads and the Afghanistan government. The Taliban are a people in support of â€Å"Sunni Islamist movement† led by Mr. Mohammed Mullah Omar. The leader was disarmed by collective military forces in Northern and NATO countries (Quote). Prior to his removal, Mullah Omar was a teacher and a military subgroup head. The Taliban has majorly Pashtuns ethnicity. They gathered from southern part of Afghanistan, Western region Pakistan, Europe, and China. The Taliban group gets part of their support, training and arms from the Pakistani State (Jalali, 2008). The Taliban cultural ideology is such an extreme. They practice a severe form of sharia law termed â€Å"Pashtun tribal codes†. The source been the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam organization in Pakistan. The law ban and sanction various activities. They are considered anti-Islam. They respond in raising Jihad against defaulters. Their rulings dominate the infiltrated Afghanistan, constituting over 40%. They still left other traditions undisturbed despite the tribal codes. The Taliban’s reviewed Islamic doctrine spread to Muslim practices in some parts of the world. These doctrines regulate the people’s ways of life, the dress codes for men and women (Dupree, Nancy, 2001). About the Government, the Taliban holds no election of officers into office, no political grouping. The leaders are chosen by made to predecessor and made to sworn to an oath of allegiance prepared over sixty years ago. The officials earn no salary but receive just food, clothes, arms and shoes. They proclaim to maintain the live led by old Muslim Prophet. They added that Jihad is a right so it must be fought with their blood. Jihad is a holy war against unbelievers who blaspheme. Their ministers have â€Å"madrassa† educational background. The women are treated with huge restriction. They cannot wear exposed cloths, they only take cab with close relative company, they do not wash at the stream bank, they do not do any work order than being a medical officer to treat and examine female only. They live with darkened windows; they are not permitted to receive primary education. Violation of these laws leads to severe beating up. Other notable activities banned in 1996 by the Taliban government are shaving of beards, western hairstyles, music/dancing at weddings, not praying at prayer times (Dupree, Nancy, 2001). Osama Bin Laden from Sudan arrived Afghanistan with no invitation and was able to form alliance with the Taliban. In 1997, the Taliban’s harsh doctrines, war crimes, terrorism acts and inhuman behavior towards local troops resulted in the killings of Taliban’s troops by the Northern Alliance. They did avenge, killing thousands of civilians and created more international scene. In 2001, the Taliban were away from most of the Afghanistan through a concerted effort by both US and Northern Alliance forces. Presently they do not have control in Afghanistan ad before but they go all round in avenging the brutality against their doctrine and people. They are suicide bombers we here of day by day on television. They are said to be violating human right, killing non-combatants civilian. References Jalali, Ali A. Grau, Lester W. (March, 2008), â€Å"Whither the Taliban?†, The Cyber-Caravan, Dupree Hatch, Nancy. Afghan Women under the Taliban in Maley, William. Fundamentalism Reborn? Afghanistan and the Taliban. London: Hurst and Company, 2001, pp. 145-166 M. J. Gohari (2000). The Taliban: Ascent to Power. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 108-110

Monday, October 14, 2019

Structures That Influence A Childs Development Education Essay

Structures That Influence A Childs Development Education Essay In this paper I will be discussing the bioecological model of human development. In the bioecological model, development is defined as the phenomenon of continuity and change in biophysical characteristics of human beings(Bronfenbrenner Morris, 2007, p. 793). The main focus of the paper will be on Urie Bronfenbrenners bioecological theory of human development. This model provides the whole picture of the developing child, encompassing relevant theories within it(Berns, 2013, p. 16). Bronfenbrenner looks beyond general developmental patterns; he proposes that researchers examine various ecological settings in which the child participates, such as family and child care, to explain individual differences in childrens development (in this case, cognitive development)(Berns, 2013, p. 17). The social interactions of a child will determine how that child will grow and what type of adult that child will become. The type of environment a child is brought up in impacts the childs ability to l earn. It effects how they develop intellectually, cognitively, and emotionally. This is also when a child learns his morals and values. Bronfenbrenners bioecological model of human development has four basic structures. They are the microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, and macrosystem. This paper will show how the four structures of human development influence a childs development. The first system that influences development is the microsystem. It refers to the activities and relationships with significant others experienced by a developing person in a particular small setting such as family, school, peer group, or community (Berns, 2013, p. 18). This systems communications are in a close setting of their direct environment and would be considered the most important system of the developing human. The microsystem is the most influential THE FOUR BASIC STRUCTURES system. This is because it is the first time a child interacts with family, schools, and neighborhoods(Swick Williams, 2006, p. 374). This interaction occurs for a long period of time. The most significant relationship of the microsystem is family. Once a child is born they spend most of their time with their family. Their family is responsible for giving them a place to live, feeding them, clothing, keeping them warm, changing their diapers, and buying them anything that is needed. When children are still babies the family basically does everything for them. The family provides a child with the essentials child to live but that is not the only important role of a family. How parents teach their children, interact with them, and talk to them is the probably more important. This is what helps a child develop in the world. There are several different types of parenting styles. The type of parenting style can determine how a child will eventually end up as an adult. Parenting can affect the way a child does in school. It can also affect a childs mental state. Certain parenting styles can lead children into a life of depression others can lead children into a life of achieving. There are four different parenting styles. They are authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and non-involved. Authoritarian parenting is a style of parent-centered parenting characterized by unquestioning obedience to authority is strict and demanding (Berns, 2013, p. 62). These types of parents expect a lot from their children. This can lead to children having low self-esteem or being depressed. However the children are usually obedient. Perhaps the complete opposite of an authoritarian parenting style would be a permissive parenting style. Permissive parenting is THE FOUR BASIC STRUCTURES a style of child-centered parenting characterized by a lack of directives or authority(Berns, 2013, p. 62). These types of parents do not ask a lot of their children. They usually act more like a friend than a parent. This parenting style can lead to children that do not do well at school and they may suffer from depression as well. These children might also end up having problems with authority. Their parents never told them what to do so when an adult does show some authority the child acts out because they do not know how to handle it. Some may say the healthiest parenting style is authoritative. Authoritative parents are more democratic. They have rules that they expect their child to follow but if their child breaks these rules they are nurturing rather than punishing. Authoritative parenting style leads to a child being happy, assertive, and successful. The last parenting style is uninvolved. These parents are not involved with their child at all. They may provide their child w ith the basic needs necessary to survive but the might not even do that much. Children of uninvolved parents lack self-esteem, they do not do well in school, and they may act out in school. Parenting styles have a significant impact on development. The family structure also impacts development. The nuclear family consists of a husband, a wife, and their children. The nuclear family used to be the most popular but in todays society not all households are structured this way. Today it almost seems that divorce is the norm rather than the nuclear family. 30% of first marriages end in divorce(Kallaman, 2012, p.1). Almost everybody knows someone that is divorced. Even though divorce is becoming more of a normal experience that does not make it any easier on children of divorced parents. In a divorce the children may have to take increased THE FOUR BASIC STRUCTURES responsibility for themselves and may have less time available to spend with parents to receive love and security (Berns, 2013, p.82). Counseling, mediation, custody battles, and fighting are situations that a child might have to face when their parents are going through a divorce. In many occasions there is also a financial consequence. Usually the mother receives custody of the children and the mothers usually make substantially less than their husband. So the type of comfort the children were used to will most likely change. Peers, community, and schools also have an emotional impact on children. Children can have positive experiences with peer groups but they can also have negative experiences. When it is a positive experience peer groups can offer children independence and help them to find their sense of self. When it is a negative experience children can lose their ability to communicate and socialize with peers. It can also cause them to have low self-esteem. An example of a negative experience with peers is bullying. School is a tremendously beneficial experience for children. School is where children learn most of the skills they will need to be a productive adult. School also teaches children how they are expected to behave. The values of the school or teachers are passed on to their students. Children learn in different ways. They may be visual, spatial, auditory, or kinesthetic learners. It is the teacher and the schools responsibility to discover which type of learning best fits each child. The second system that influences development is the mesosystem. Mesosystems consists of linkages and interrelationships between two or more of a developing persons microsystems, such as the family and the school, or the family and the peer group (Berns, 2013, THE FOUR BASIC STRUCTURES p.20). These interrelationships involve a variety of settings that the child is immersed in; the influences bind them together (Bronfenbrenner Morris, 2007, p. 820). Mesosystems can benefit a childs development but that depends on the type of microsystems that come together and the quality of their relationships (Berns, 2013). One of the most important examples of a mesosystem involves schooling. Family and schools link together for the development of children. Children develop better when they have parents that are extremely involved in their education. These children will get higher grades, they will do better in school in general, and they will be more likely to attend college after high school. Families that are involved with school will attend family teacher conferences and they will participate in schools activities. Some parents may even volunteer at their childs school. It is also important for families to ask their children how school was and to help them with their homewor k. This will have a positive effect on children and the children will gain confidence (Berns, 2013, p. 142). The link between school and community is also a vital connection in a childs life. Schools that are located in richer in communities are better funded. The community supports the schools in their neighborhoods because these are the schools their children attend. They receive better books, computers, more funds for sports teams, more money for field trips, and better resources in general. The more funds a school has the more the learning process can be extended Children that attend these schools are in a better environment for learning and it gives them a positive outlook on life. These children have a better chance of doing well in school and doing well as adults. THE FOUR BASIC STRUCTURES The exosystem is the third system of Bronfenbrenners theory of human development. They are settings in which children do not actually participate, but which affect them in one of their microsystems(Berns, 2013, p. 21). Parents socioeconomic status is an example of this. Children dont participate in a familys socioeconomic status but it does affect them. If they are in a family that is in the low economic status they will not have the means to purchase items a child may need. This could be food or school supplies. They will not live in a nice community and therefore will not attend the best schools. Children born into poverty statistically have lower self-esteem, are less likely to excel in school or are more likely to drop out, and they are more susceptible to violence and crime (Bronfenbrenner Morris, 2007, p. 793). On the other hand if they are born into a family that has a high socioeconomic status they will get anything they want. They will go to the best schools. They will get to go on vacations. They will have the best school supplies. They may have a computer for home and then one at school as well. A parents job also affects a child indirectly. If the childs parents do not make a lot of money and they have to work two jobs their childs socialization will be effected. The parent will not be home to help the child do their homework, play games with them, fix dinner for them, or just to talk to them. The parent also may travel a lot for work or stay overnight for a job. In this case their child is placed in non-parental child care. There are different types of non-parental child care. There are child care centers, family day cares, and in-home care. The different types of non-parental child care can affect the child differently. Where the child is cared for is different. Some are cared for in the childrens home but other times the child is taken to a center. The THE FOUR BASIC STRUCTURES accreditation of the care takers is different. That is, if the care taker is accredited at all. Each type of care also has different learning programs. Some programs have structured activities set up for the children while others basically let the children do whatever they want. Being in child care can be beneficial and detrimental to children. The child will be able to socialize with peers more easily, but they tend to be less cooperative and unresponsive with adults (Berns, 2013, p.156). The last system involved is the macrosystem. The macrosystem consists of the society and subculture to which the developing person belongs, with particular reference to the belief systems, lifestyles, patterns of social interaction, and life changes (Berns, 2013, p.22). There are many examples of macrosystems. Republican, upper class, lower class, Baptist, and Asian ancestry are all examples of macrosystems. The macrosystems we live in influence what, how when, and where we carry out our relations(Swick Williams, 2006, p. 377). This system effects the development of a child in a larger context. The beliefs of the family and their lifestyle, education, religion, and mass media all influence a childs development. Macrosystem influences come from cultural views in society. There are certain roles in society that people are expected to live by. For example, gender roles are still seen strongly in the American culture. Parents may expect a boy to be tough and to never cry, while parents expect girls to be domesticated and nurturers. Family values are huge influences on children. There are many values parents impose on their children. They may expect their children to go to college, get a career, get married, and have 2.5 children. All of this should be done in that exact order. Many familys morals and THE FOUR BASIC STRUCTURES values come from their socioeconomic status, their culture influences, and their religious influences. There are some universal parenting goals that are the same no matter what type of cultural or religious beliefs affect them. These are ensuring physical health and survival, developing behavioral capacities for economic self-maintenance, and instilling behavioral capacities for maximizing cultural values, such as morality, prestige, and achievement (Berns, 2013, p. 210). Even so, for the most part, parenting styles in the United States can vary greatly. Urie Bronfenbrenner was correct in his theory of the bioecological model of human development. There is an enormous amount of data that shows how the four systems influence a child. The microsystem can be seen as the major system of influence. It is important to have healthy, safe, positive relationships. These relationships will help the childs development as the other systems come into their lives. A mesosystem can be described as the links in the chain(Welzel Inglehart, 2010, p. 52). School and family individually influence a child and together they make so much more of an impact. This does not only consist of these two relationships, but all relationships in the microsystem. The indirect effects of the exosystem, such as parents careers, have their own influences. Long hours at work and little pay can lead to a child missing out on necessities needed for life but more importantly, the child will miss out on early socialization with someone he trusts. Finally, the macrosystem is the combination of culture, religion, mass media, and other influences that are widespread. Put the four different systems of human development together and they make a huge impact on the socialization and THE FOUR BASIC STRUCTURES cognitive development of a child THE FOUR BASIC STRUCTURES

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The two poems I am going to compare are Mid-Term Break by Seamus Heaney

The two poems I am going to compare are Mid-Term Break by Seamus Heaney and Death Be Not Proud by John Donne. The first poem I am going to study is a poem by Seamus Heaney called Mid-Term Break. Seamus Heaney was born in County Derry into a farming background. He attended St. Columb’s College in Derry where he was a border. Heaney went on to win the Nobel Prize for Literature. The poet’s title Mid-Term Break is somewhat ambiguous as it would suggest a holiday of some sort, whereas, the poem is actually about the death of Heaney’s young brother who was killed in a tragic accident. The thoughts of death are brought to the fore almost immediately as the poem begins with a funeral note in line two: ‘†¦counting bells knelling classes to a close.’ The word ‘knelling’ reminds the poet of the church bells tolling for a funeral. In the second stanza we are aware that the tragedy which has occurred is different as funerals usually did not disturb his father in the way that this one had. Heaney recalls the embarrassment he felt when the adults sympathised with him and paid his deference saying ‘they were sorry for my trouble.’ This seemed to perplex him as it was a reversal of roles. There is a sense of alienation in the forth stanza when he heard the whispers of the neighbours, apart from his mother’s hand in his. His mother seems to be trying to control her emotions but is clearly outraged by what has happened. When Heaney’s brother is returned home, the poet refers to his brother as a ‘corpse’. This seems to suggest that Heaney is emotionally detached but it could just be a case of denial. Heaney injects a note of tranquillity to the poem when he describes the ‘snowdrops’ and ‘candles’. ... ... hand, deals with the mystery and fear that sounds death. Although we will all have to die eventually it is still something that scares us but Donne tries to alleviate those fears by telling us that death is just another part of life that will lead us to eternity. Heaney seemed to be emotionally detached throughout his poem until the final line whereas Donne was very passionate about his feeling from the start. When I first read both poems I was drawn instantly towards Mid-Term Break only because of the simplicity of the language. However, after carefully studying both poems my preference now lies with Death Be Not Proud. It is an interesting poem that expresses the act of dying as something natural and pleasant; abandoning the reputation it has for being frightening or powerful. It expresses that death is not the end of life, but only the beginning.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Sin City Essay -- Personal Narrative Las Vegas Gambling Essays

Sin City Two years ago my husband, myself and another couple visited Las Vegas, which is better known as sin city. Las Vegas is the biggest city in Nevada. Neon glittered hotels make up the general landscaping, which is otherwise a flat valley with a mountaintop background. The city is quite compact for tourism purposes, even though according to Frommer’s, Vegas is considered one of the fastest growing cities in America. Gambling is the central focus of Vegas, and casinos are abundant, but if gambling is not your thing there are plenty of other attractions to do and see. Vegas is made up of two distinct areas the â€Å"Strip,† and â€Å"Downtown.† The â€Å"Strip,† is considered the most famous four-mile stretch of highway in the nation. It contains most of the big name hotels and entertainment. Most of our time was spent on the Strip. Downtown is located on Fremont Street and was the first area to develop hotels and casinos. It has an old time Vegas feel to it. The streets are narrow and a balcony over head displays a must see light show. The light show is free so it can be enjoyed if you lose all of your money gambling. Flying into Vegas the first things visible are the giant hotels and casinos. We arrived during the day so unfortunately did not see the majestic effect of the lights. However, this did not downplay the grandness of the hotels. A short bus ride took us to our home for the week, the Imperial Palace. It was very budget friendly, with an ideal location, smack dab in the middle of the strip. The Imperial Palace pales in comparison to its glamorous neighbors. At first glance the casino is very dark and reminiscent of old Vegas, but for the price and location it is a steal. The rooms are clean, and it is one of the few h... ...strip so it is away from the hustle and bustle of everything. The drinks are small, but for only a buck well worth it. Not only did the price of the drinks rank high on our list, I also won sixty dollars there. They had an excellent band playing which was free and if you look closely you may even spot a few prostitutes hanging around. This may sound a little scary, but it really wasn’t. Vegas is a great place to visit if you want to see and do a lot of different things. It is a gamblers haven, yet it also offers many other things to do. It is fairly inexpensive depending where you stay and travel agencies always have different packages available to fit your needs. Whether you are a gambler or a sightseer, have a lot of money or a tight budget, Vegas is the place for you. Remember it is nicknamed â€Å"sin city† for a reason so be prepared to see and do the unexpected.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Whale Shark Policy

The rapid growth of commercial value of sharks since in the late period of 1970s was attributed to the increasing market demand not only for shark meat but also for their cartilages and fins (Christiansen, 2006). Although, the preliminary Fishery Management Plan, FMP, for Atlantic Billfish and Sharks was published by the Secretary of Commerce in 1978, the implementation of its provisions was hardly realized (Christiansen, 2006). Thus, shark fishing has prevailed in the market for a long period of time. In fact, commercial, illegal and even recreational fishing of sharks in the Atlantic coastal zones is commonly observed in the Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico and the coastal regions of the New England (Christiansen, 2006). It is not surprising then that Rhincodon typus species were classified as threatened shark species by the Convention on the International Trade in Wild Species of Flora and Fauna, the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, and the Convention on Migratory Species. In response to high market demands amidst the low fecundity and late maturity of sharks, the five councils on Atlantic Fishery Management urged the Secretary of Commerce to establish FMP for sharks in 1989 (Christiansen, 2006). As a result, the formulated FMP called for the establishment of FMU or fishery management unit for 39 shark species including Rhincodon typus or whale shark. For regulation and assessment, FMU was divided into groups for pelagic sharks, LCS or Large Coastal Sharks, and Small Coastal Sharks or SCS. During that time, the National Marine Fisheries Service, NMFS, classified LCS as overfished while SCS and pelagic sharks were described as fully fished (Christiansen, 2006). Hence, quotas on both recreational and commercial shark fishing were implemented by the National Marine Fisheries Service, NMFS. In 1999, a new FMP was established to cover Atlantic Tunas and Swordfish in control and regulation. However, based on the study on SCS and LCS populations in 2002, the previous FMP measures failed to alleviate the deteriorating condition of Atlantic coastal sharks (Christiansen, 2006). In relation to this, the 1999 FMP provisions were amended by NMFS in 2003 which covered re-aggregation of LCS stocks, recreational bag limit adjustment, LCS timeframe revision, fishing quota implementation based on MSY or maximum sustainable yield, gear restriction establishment, elimination of the allowable minimum size, updates on the EFH or essential fish habitat, regional quota establishment, setting of area or time for closure off the coast in North Carolina territory, implementation of commercial fishing in trimester seasons, identification of criteria for endangered shark species classification, and establishment of VMS or vessel monitoring system for both recreational and commercial fishing vessels. Consequently, in 2004, the MSY-based annual landing quotas, 1,017 metric tonne and 454 metric tonne dressed weight were implemented respectively for LCS and SCS (Christiansen, 2006). Nevertheless, since areas of migration, pupping and mating of the Atlantic sharks encompass the territorial regions of various states, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission or ASMFC proposed an interstate FMP for an efficient management including control and monitoring of coastal shark fishing along the Atlantic coast which included the whale shark or Rhincodon typus shark species (Christiansen, 2006). The Pacific Shark Fishery States’ Regulations Based on the statistics of the NMFS, in the year range of 1991-1998, the shark killings in the Western and Central Pacific had increased by more than 2500% from 2,289 to 60,857 cases (Spiegel, n. d. ). At present, longline fishermen caught about 150,000 sharks annually of which 568 million pounds were taken from the Pacific coastal zones (Spiegel, n. d. ). Thus, in December 2000, the United States Congress enacted a nationwide ban against shark market. As well, the NMFS and the Department of Commerce failure to abolish illegal shark fishing, Californian representative, in September 1999, proposed the Pacific Resolution to ban shark killings in all federal states of the United States (Spiegel, n. d. ). In November of the same year, the resolution was approved by both congress and the senate. In line with this, the Hawaii Senate passed Bill 1947 on March 17, 2000 to control the shark fin trade in the market (Spiegel, n. d. ). In addition, the Magnuson Act was amended on January 27, 2000 through House Resolution 3535 to completely ban shark finning (Spiegel, n. d. ). Nonetheless, in December of the same year, to further amend the Magnuson Act and to absolutely ban shark finning in all federal states, the congress acted out House Resolution 5461 (Spiegel, n. d. ). This resolution has opened the doors for the development of multilateral or bilateral agreements for the global campaign against shark killings. Similarly, shark fishing regulations were also enacted in several countries like Australia, Honduras, South Africa, Nanimbia, Thailand, Philippines, Maldives, and Israel (Spiegel, n. d. ). Whale Shark Regulations in other Countries Whale shark was classified as vulnerable shark species of the Minister for the Environment and heritage of Australia under the 2001 Environment protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act or EPBC Act (Department of the Environment and Heritage, 2004). The decline of the whale shark population on Australian coasts was attributed to the unceasing shark hunting in the critical coastal zones in other countries like in India, Taiwan, and in the Philippines. Thus, whale sharks have been legally protected by the 1950 Wildlife Conservation Act, the 1975 Great BARRIERS Reef Marine Park Act, the 1984 Conservation and land Management Act, the 1994 Fish Resources Management Act, and the 1996 Fisheries Regulation (Department of the Environment and Heritage, 2004). Meanwhile, in India, the national policies on fisheries are employed on the management of shark fishing (Hanfee, 1999). As such, policies specific for shark fisheries have not yet formulated by the Indian government. Generally, in consultation with fish vessel managers and company administrators, the Indian Department of Fisheries regulates and takes control of shark fishing in the country’s coastal regions (Hanfee, 1999). Despite the issues of inaccurate reporting on the management of whale shark fishing, other Asian countries like Thailand and Philippines have their respective legal policies to protect whale shark species.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Filipino Christmas: A Reflection of One’s Tradition

Christmas is more than just a celebration; for most Filipino-Christians it is a way of welcoming the coming of their savior Jesus Christ. Being in a country were catholic is dominant, church plays a big role when it comes to Christmas, for the nine dawns before Christmas they have something called Simbang Gabi where they attend mass for the nine mornings leading up to Christmas. I think it is believed that if you attend all the masses, you can make a wish. Since it was really early in the morning and a bit chilly Filipinos normally look for something warm to eat and there are vendors selling food such as Puto Bumbong and Bibingka. Simbang Gabi is forever a part of the Filipino Christmas which is distinct from other countries who also celebrates Christmas.Another tradition is the reunion and for young Filipinos, it is the time when most grins are seen, parents are less likely to scold them, school works do not give too much pressure because there’s none, candies and chocolates fill their stomachs, and ninangs and ninongs fnally appear with their heart-warming gifts or aguinaldos, best dresses are worn and new shoes pamper their feet. For the old ones, this is the time when â€Å"thank you† becomes a common expression, sweat shirts and long sleeves which were kept in the deepest part of the closet are finally worn, and friends, both old and new, finally meet for the longest time.Living in a place who has different traditions during Christmas has showed me something very different even though we don’t celebrate it, I learned to be thankful for the family that I have around me during Christmas and I learned that receiving is not everything, it is always better to give.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

How Does the Bfg Function?

The BFG is a book about a little girl from an orphanage named Sophie who is lying awake in bed one night and sees a giant walking the streets. She tries to hide once she has seen him but it is too late. He takes her out of her room and runs back to his cave. At first she is worried that he is going to eat her but he is not that type of giant. He is known as the Big Friendly Giant and eats disgusting vegetables that taste like rotting frogs. His main idea of fun is catching dreams and blowing the happy ones into children’s bedrooms at night.The other nine giants however are man eating giants and they go to different countries every night to eat people. They take them from their homes while they are sleeping and eat them. Sophie thinks these other giants need to be stopped but they are a lot bigger and meaner than the BFG. In the end she does come up with a plan to mix up a dream to tell the queen of England what is going on with these giants. Sophie and the BFG create a dream t hat tells the queen all about the bad giants and what they do at night and about her and the good giant.When the queen awakes Sophie is on her windowsill to confirm the dream and to help create a plan of action. After a very interesting breakfast during which the BFG is sitting on a piano piled with other things for his chair and a ping pong table on top of four grandfather clocks for his table then the queen invites the heads of the military in to create a plan. They decide to catch the giants while they are sleeping and carry them off with helicopters.In the end the bad giants are forced to stay in a huge pit and they are fed the disgusting vegetables that the BFG was forced to eat before. The BFG gets a nice huge house next to the castle and Sophie gets a little cottage next to him and the BFG writes a book about his experiences, which as we find out in the end is the BFG, the book we just read. Personal Notes: This is a really fun and quick book. Easy to read and grabs the reade r’s attention. I really liked the parts where Dahl makes up new words for things.I think it creates a sense of wonder in the children. I remember when I used to read his books and they included words that weren’t really words that this was fun. I never mistook them for real words or used them in school, that might make me look funny, but I loved the way he used them just the same. I think that is very applicable in a book about things that don’t really exist, man eating giants, it helps the reader appreciate that these things aren’t real and adds imagination to it.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Academic Study Skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Academic Study Skills - Essay Example Most academic work involves building on work that has been done by others. The provision of new insights about the specific area of research contributes to the building on what others in the field have done. To build on someone’s work might involve having to use their ideas to come up with your line of argument to support your new idea. It is in this instant of using someone’s ideas to come up with your point of view that it is important to use references. The use of references ensures that people who have contributed work to a particular field get good credit for their work. Besides, one learns to foster intellectual honesty by giving others credit for their work hence avoiding the vice of plagiarism.What is plagiarism and how can you avoid it?Plagiarism refers to the practice of stealing another person’s ideas or writings and passing them off as your own (Clabaugh & Rozycki, 2001, p. vii). Plagiarism is a fraudulent practice as it involves stealing someone's wo rk and then lying about it. Based on the severe nature of plagiarism, it is necessary to avoid it at all costs.One of the ways to avoid plagiarism is to learn the art of crediting the sources one uses. Whenever one uses phrases, data and other information that they did not come up with themselves, then one should give his sources the credit. To get better at crediting sources, one should analyze their sources critically to know exactly which author did what (Clabaugh & Rozycki, 2001, p. 56).

Monday, October 7, 2019

SLP Time Warp 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

SLP Time Warp 3 - Essay Example This paper thus attempts an implementation of the suggested theories, and in this way attempts at discovering the most effective strategy that can be used with the three products (Abbing & van Gessel, 2008). Pricing is largely regarded as a viable marketing strategy that the company can pursue. In this regard, the cost at which product X5 is sold needs an increment since the simulation results proved that the product was still in its growth phase and thus has a greater potential for growth before it attains maturity. On the contrary, the product X7, out of the simulation results, shows that it lies in the pre-growth phase. An increase in its product, though a risky course to take, seems to be the most logical path at the moment in a bid to determine the market reception, as well as acting as a means by which to test its market limits. The third product, the product X6, revealed to be in the maturity phase from the simulation results. Given its relatively impressive market run, it is a wise choice to further push its marginal profit through a slight price increment. The reason for stressing on slight is to avoid a scenario where it is too highly priced making the cost an issue that makes customers opt for competing brands (Beverland, Napoli & Farrelly, 2010). As a marketing procedure, this final strategy takes the combined strategy approach in achieving optimum product performance in terms of sales generation and profits accrued from these sales. In this regard, an implementation of the simulation results taking into account the initial R & D allocation increment (Bivainiene, 2010). Increasing the expenditure allocation of the R & D is done through an increase of that of the product X5, a product in its growth phase, as well as in the introductory phase of the product X7. The projected results out of these changes are as shown below: Year 2012 Product Price $ R&D Allocation % Profits X5 265 33 121, 288, 230 X6 420 34 264, 830, 873 X7 230 33 -22, 254, 435 Total 3 63,864,668 In the succeeding year, the pricing marketing strategy will prove the most logical strategy to be applied. In this strategy, the prices of products X5 and product X7 are reduced in relative margins. The price of the product X6, is however, left constant without any changes made to it. The rationale behind this direction is because the two products, X5 and X7 are relatively weakly established; the strategy to be applied needs to be focused upon two main issues, the increase in sales volumes, and the quick and efficient penetration of the market to establish its niche amongst the more established products in the same category as them (Slotegraaf & Pauwels, 2008). The strategies that call for an increase in the expenditure of the R & D are, however, left to continue. The expected profits changes on the application of the price changes and allocation of the R & D are as reflected below: Year 2013 Product Price $ R&D Allocation % Profits X5 240 35 79, 643, 368 X6 420 28 264, 8 30, 950 X7 180 36 0 Total 344, 474, 318 A thorough application of the strategy is reflective of the continued product success in terms of gaining market ground and penetration. The price reductions were necessary since it is the variable that can be modified as far as the marketing mix is

Sunday, October 6, 2019

American Vision Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

American Vision - Essay Example Tom Cruise may be really interested in his acting that it may seem like he is just playing. But nevertheless, he is paid for it. The teacher on the other hand, may hate what he is doing. As such it may be considered as labor. However, for the purposes of this discussion, let us assume that he loves teaching as much as Tom Cruise loves his acting. Since we have stated that both actor and teaches is both working and loving what their doing, let us compare their earnings. The teacher earns $25,000 in a year. The movie actor could earn $15 million in three weeks. Obviously, being an actor is more lucrative. Hence the question now presented to us is whether or not this inequitable distribution of wealth is just. To answer this question, we must determine the factors that contribute to why each is paid that way. Firstly, we must look at the nature of their work. The work of the teacher has a more lasting and significant effect as it shapes the mind of the children. It is very important that they do their jobs well as the future of the kids and consequently of this nation, lies on their hands. On the other hand, the work of the actor only has an aesthetic and entertainment value. While "The Arts" is important, it is not as crucial as the work of an educator. The influence of the teacher on the lives of their students is direct, immediate and enduring. The teacher has the power to shape an individual, while the actor is not. We can see here that the disparity in their earnings does not depend on the effect of their jobs. Thus, we move on to looking at the skill required to perform their work. The teacher studied for years to be able to do what he is doing. The actor on the other hand, need not attend formal education. But this does not mean that he did not engage in activities to improve his acting skills. An actor may attend workshops or take on smaller roles for smaller pay. An actor may undergo painful cosmetic surgeries, take in cruel criticisms for his work and sacrifice their private lives. Though their efforts may be different, it would be unfair to suppose that, compared to the teacher, the actor worked less to get to where he is now. Thus, it would be safe to assume that they worked just as hard. However, an actor like Tom Cruise does not only depend on his acting skills. Most of his earnings are attributed to the fact that he is who he is. If a producer requires Tom Cruise to star in the movie, no one else can fill that spot. If an advertiser wants Tom Cruise to endorse their product, no one other than Tom Cruise can do the job. As such, the work of Tom Cruise requires a special skill, talent and personality. On the other hand, the job of the teacher is less unique. While it takes a lot of study to become one, as long as one is diligent enough to finish one's studies, get the proper licenses and qualifications, one may become a teacher too. As such, the teacher in our example may be replaced by another teacher with the same qualification. Joseph A. Schumpeter said that competition is a factor that may dictate prices. To apply it in the case presented, Tom Cruise has no competition in his field as there is no other Tom Cruise. This allows him to dictate the price of his service. He can demand as much as $15 million dollars for three weeks work in a movie. On the other hand, our teacher has lots of competition. Even if he is really good in his work, there is only so much that he can demand. Otherwise, he would be replaced by

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Inequality and Politics in the United States Essay

Inequality and Politics in the United States - Essay Example The following discussion aims at addressing economic and political inequality and discusses the role of social movements in improving the lives of the poor in society. Some of the important economic challenges facing the United States and other developed economies are the increase in economic inequality. Over the last two decades, no other industrialized country in the world has a bigger gap between wage growth and productivity growth than the U.S. The U.S economic inequality is at historically high levels because there is a great disparity in the way wages and income are distributed. Americans today live in an unequal society characterized by higher gaps in wages, income and wealth. Most poor and middle class households are left out in matters of economic growth and they watch as the GDP, stock markets, productivity and corporate profits rise everyday while their incomes stagnate or grow at a very slow rate (Kenworthy and Smeeding 31). The stock market has risen to 60 percent; the GDP is up by 8 percent nationally while the median house hold income has fallen by 5 percent. From the year 1979 to 2007, the richest 1 percent of the population experienced tripling of incomes while those of the middle households rose only to about 25 percent. Currently, the richest 1 percent claims ownership to over 60 percent of the total wealth while 5 percent of the richest people claim over 60 percent of the total wealth in the United States. The gender and racial gap in wages, incomes and wealth has also widened throughout the period. While racial segregation has reduced in the last ten years, economic segregation has been on the rise. The great recession through 2010/2011 had its negative effects on the U.S. economy. Indeed it has permanently and negatively changed the level of well being as well as the distribution of resources in the whole country. With the nation’s economic growth abruptly halted during the 2008 recession, many workers turned

Friday, October 4, 2019

Business Psychology on Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Business Psychology on Leadership - Essay Example The trait approach to leadership focuses on the leader, not the followers.   This approach â€Å"emphasizes that having a leader with a certain set of traits is crucial to having effective leadership† (Adam & Eves, n.d).   In this approach, society sees qualities in individuals that they deem worthy characteristics in their leaders, and consequently they install them as their leaders.   The trait approach relies on qualities of a person ranging from the superficial to the intellectual and even to the spiritual.   Physical qualities in a leader could be in the person’s height, general appearance, and grooming.   Less superficial traits such as intelligence, honesty, integrity, and expertise are also qualities that people expect in their leader.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"In the trait approach, effective leadership is defined in terms of the traits of leaders thought to exemplify good leadership†   (Vasu,, 1998, p.98).   This approach equates good leadership wi th desirable traits and qualities (such as those previously mentioned).      The trait approach to leadership focuses on the leader, not the followers.   This approach â€Å"emphasizes that having a leader with a certain set of traits is crucial to having effective leadership† (Adam & Eves, n.d).   In this approach, society sees qualities in individuals that they deem worthy characteristics in their leaders, and consequently they install them as their leaders.   The trait approach relies on qualities of a person ranging from the superficial to the intellectual and even to the spiritual.   Physical qualities in a leader could be in the person’s height, general appearance, and grooming.   Less superficial traits such as intelligence, honesty, integrity, and expertise are also qualities that people expect in their leader.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"In the trait approach, effective leadership is defined in terms of the traits of leaders thought to exemplify good leadershipâ €    (Vasu,, 1998, p.98).   This approach equates good leadership with desirable traits and qualities (such as those previously mentioned).      Behavioural Approach The behavioral approach came about as a response and as an alternative to the trait approach to leadership.   The focus of this approach is the behavior of the leader, not his qualities or traits.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Effective leadership became transformed into what leaders do as opposed to what they are† (Great Visionaries, n.d.).   As a result of this approach, there was a greater emphasis on training leaders to be better in their craft.   In this approach, the leader’s behavior is easier to describe because they are observable actions, as opposed to traits that may be generally characterized and reduced to single word adjectives which are difficult to measure or quantify.   Transformational The transformational approach to leadership makes use of â€Å"’transactions’ as a means of motivating employees to achieve business results† (Gmelin, 2005).